Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

  • The system is out of memory.   The method %1 is not implemented., The radix argument must be between 2 and 36; got %1., Method %1 was invoked on an incompatible object., Array index is not a positive integer (%1)., %1 is not a function., Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor., Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference., A term is undefined and has no properties., Method %1 contained illegal opcode %2 at offset %3.
  • The last instruction exceeded code size.   Cannot call OP_findproperty when scopeDepth is 0., Class %1 could not be found., Method %1 cannot set default xml namespace, Descendants operator (..) not supported on type %1., Scope stack overflow occurred., Scope stack underflow occurred., Getscopeobject %1 is out of bounds., Code cannot fall off the end of a method., At least one branch target was not on a valid instruction in the method.
  • Type void may only be used as a function return type.   Stack overflow occurred., Stack underflow occurred., An invalid register %1 was accessed., Slot %1 exceeds slotCount=%2 of %3., Method_info %1 exceeds method_count=%2., Disp_id %1 exceeds max_disp_id=%2 of %3., Disp_id %1 is undefined on %2., Stack depth is unbalanced. %1 != %2., Scope depth is unbalanced. %1 != %2.
  • Cpool index %1 is out of range %2.   Cpool entry %1 is wrong type., Type Coercion failed: cannot convert %1 to %2., Illegal super expression found in method %1., Cannot assign to a method %1 on %2., %1 is already defined., Cannot verify method until it is referenced., The right-hand side of instanceof must be a class or function., The right-hand side of operator must be a class., Not an ABC file. major_version=%1 minor_version=%2.
  • Invalid code_length=%1.   MethodInfo-%1 unsupported flags=%2., Unsupported traits kind=%1., MethodInfo-%1 referenced before definition., No entry point was found., Prototype objects must be vanilla Objects., Cannot convert %1 to primitive., Illegal early binding access to %1., Invalid URI passed to %1 function., Illegal override of %1 in %2.
  • Illegal range or target offsets in exception handler.   Cannot create property %1 on %2., %1 can only contain methods., Illegal operand type: %1 must be %2., ClassInfo-%1 is referenced before definition., ClassInfo %1 exceeds class_count=%2., The value %1 cannot be converted to %2 without losing precision., Argument count mismatch on %1. Expected %2, got %3., Cannot call method %1 as constructor., Variable %1 is not defined.
  • The form function('function body') is not supported.   Native method %1 has illegal method body., %1 and %2 cannot be reconciled., Property %1 not found on %2 and there is no default value., Method %1 not found on %2, Function %1 has already been bound to %2., Disp_id 0 is illegal., Non-override method %1 replaced because of duplicate disp_id %2., Illegal write to read-only property %1 on %2., Math is not a function.
  • Math is not a constructor.   Illegal read of write-only property %1 on %2., Illegal opcode/multiname combination: %1<%2>., Native methods are not allowed in loaded code., Illegal value for namespace., Property %1 not found on %2 and there is no default value., No default namespace has been set., The prefix "%1" for element "%2" is not bound., Element or attribute ("%1") does not match QName production: QName::=(NCName':')?NCName., The element type "%1" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
  • The %1 method only works on lists containing one item.   Assignment to indexed XML is not allowed., The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed., Assignment to lists with more than one item is not supported., XML parser failure: element is malformed., XML parser failure: Unterminated CDATA section., XML parser failure: Unterminated XML declaration., XML parser failure: Unterminated DOCTYPE declaration., XML parser failure: Unterminated comment., XML parser failure: Unterminated attribute.
  • XML parser failure: Unterminated element.   XML parser failure: Unterminated processing instruction., Illegal prefix %1 for no namespace., Cannot verify method %1 with unknown scope., Illegal default value for type %1., Class %1 cannot extend final base class., Attribute "%1" was already specified for element "%2"., The ABC data is corrupt, attempt to read out of bounds., The OP_newclass opcode was used with the incorrect base class., Attempt to directly call unbound function %1 from method %2.
  • %1 cannot extend %2.   %1 cannot implement %2., Argument count mismatch on class coercion. Expected 1, got %1., OP_newactivation used in method without NEED_ACTIVATION flag., OP_getglobalslot or OP_setglobalslot used with no global scope., %1 is not a constructor., second argument to Function.prototype.apply must be an array., Invalid XML name: %1., Illegal cyclical loop between nodes., Delete operator is not supported with operand of type %1.
  • Cannot delete property %1 on %2.   Method %1 has a duplicate method body., Interface method %1 has illegal method body., Filter operator not supported on type %1., OP_hasnext2 requires object and index to be distinct registers., The index %1 is out of range %2., Cannot change the length of a fixed Vector., Type application attempted on a non-parameterized type., Incorrect number of type parameters for %1. Expected %2, got %3., A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 seconds.
  • A script failed to exit after 30 seconds and was terminated.   Argument %1 cannot be null., The value specified for argument %1 is invalid., When the callback argument is a method of a class, the optional this argument must be null., The method was called with too many arguments., No active security context., Too few arguments were specified; got %1, %2 expected., Operation attempted on invalid socket., Invalid socket port number specified., One of the parameters is invalid.
  • Parameter %1 is of the incorrect type. Should be type %2.   The supplied index is out of bounds., Parameter %1 must be non-null., Parameter %1 must be one of the accepted values., This method cannot be used on a text field with a style sheet., Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not permitted to use sockets., Socket connection failed to %1:%2., %1 class cannot be instantiated., Feature can only be used in Flash Authoring., Feature is not available at this time.
  • Invalid BitmapData.   Only trusted local files may cause the Flash Player to exit., System.exit is only available in the standalone Flash Player., Depth specified is invalid., MovieClips objects with different parents cannot be swapped., Object creation failed., Class %1 must inherit from DisplayObject to link to a symbol., Class %1 must inherit from Sprite to link to the root., An object cannot be added as a child of itself., The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
  • An error occurred navigating to the URL %1.   Parameter %1 must be a non-negative number; got %2., Local-with-filesystem SWF file %1 cannot access Internet URL %2., This URLStream object does not have a stream opened., End of file was encountered., Socket Error., Stream Error., Key Generation Failed., An invalid digest was supplied., URL Not Found.
  • Load Never Completed.   Functions called in incorrect sequence, or earlier call was unsuccessful., File I/O Error., Invalid remote URL protocol. The remote URL protocol must be HTTP or HTTPS., Only one file browsing session may be performed at a time., The digest property is not supported by this load operation., Unhandled %1:., The loaded file did not have a valid signature., Security sandbox violation: %1: %2 cannot access %3., Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot load data from %2.
  • Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot upload data to %2.   Only String arguments are permitted for allowDomain and allowInsecureDomain., Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot clear an interval timer set by %2., The value of Security.exactSettings cannot be changed after it has been used., The print job could not be started., The print job could not be sent to the printer., The page could not be added to the print job., There was an error decompressing the data., Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot overwrite an ExternalInterface callback added by %2., Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller %1 cannot access %2.
  • No ExternalInterface callback %1 registered.   Children of Event must override clone() {return new MyEventClass (...);}., Error attempting to execute IME command., The focus cannot be set for this target., The Timer delay specified is out of range., Invalid sound., The Loader class does not implement this method., Security sandbox violation: caller %1 cannot access Stage owned by %2., The Stage class does not implement this property or method., The stage is too small to fit the download ui.
  • The downloaded file is invalid.   This filter operation cannot be performed with the specified input parameters., The name property of a Timeline-placed object cannot be modified., Classes derived from Bitmap can only be associated with defineBits characters (bitmaps)., Connect failed because the object is already connected., Close failed because the object is not connected., The AMF encoding of the arguments cannot exceed 40K., Parameter %1 must be non-empty string., A setting in the mms.cfg file prohibits this FileReference request., The file name contains prohibited characters.
  • The Proxy class does not implement getProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass.   The Proxy class does not implement setProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass., The Proxy class does not implement callProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass., The Proxy class does not implement hasProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass., The Proxy class does not implement deleteProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass., The Proxy class does not implement getDescendants. It must be overridden by a subclass., Event dispatch recursion overflow., %1 was unable to invoke callback %2., The HTTP request header %1 cannot be set via ActionScript., The FileFilter Array is not in the correct format.
  • The loading object is not a .swf file, you cannot request SWF properties from it.   The loading object is not sufficiently loaded to provide this information., The ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes() must have length greater than 0., The before XMLNode parameter must be a child of the caller., XML recursion failure: new child would create infinite loop., The Proxy class does not implement nextNameIndex. It must be overridden by a subclass., The Proxy class does not implement nextName. It must be overridden by a subclass., The Proxy class does not implement nextValue. It must be overridden by a subclass., Scene %1 was not found., Frame label %1 not found in scene %2.
  • Provided parameter LoaderContext.ApplicationDomain is from a disallowed domain.   Provided parameter LoaderContext.SecurityDomain is from a disallowed domain., Parameter %1 must be null., Parameter %1 must be false., Parameter %1 must be true., The LoaderInfo class does not implement this method., Security sandbox violation: caller %1 cannot access LoaderInfo.applicationDomain owned by %2., Security sandbox violation: %1: %2 cannot access %3. No policy files granted access., Loaded file is an unknown type., NetConnection object must be connected.
  • FileReference POST data cannot be type ByteArray.   Connection to %1 failed., Unable to flush SharedObject., Definition %1 cannot be found., NetConnection.connect cannot be called from a netStatus event handler., Callback %1 is not registered., Cannot create SharedObject., The SWF file %1 contains invalid data., Rich text XML could not be parsed., SharedObject could not connect.
  • Only one PrintJob may be in use at a time.   AccessibilityImplementation.get_accRole() must be overridden from its default., AccessibilityImplementation.get_accState() must be overridden from its default., Cumulative length of requestHeaders must be less than 8192 characters., Forbidden protocol in URL %1., Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot make fscommand calls to %2 (allowScriptAccess is %3)., An object cannot be added as a child to one of it's children (or children's children, etc.)., You cannot enter full screen mode when the settings dialog is visible., Full screen mode is not allowed., The URLRequest.requestHeaders array must contain only non-NULL URLRequestHeader objects.
  • The NetStream Object is invalid. This may be due to a failed NetConnection.   Port %1 may not be accessed using protocol %2. Calling SWF was %3., The NetConnection Object is invalid. This may be due to a dropped NetConnection., The SharedObject Object is invalid., The TextLine is INVALID and cannot be used to access the current state of the TextBlock., An internal error occured while laying out the text., The Shader output type is not compatible for this operation., The Shader input type %1 is not compatible for this operation., The Shader input %1 is missing or an unsupported type., The Shader input %1 does not have enough data.
  • The Shader input %1 lacks valid dimensions.   The Shader does not have the required number of inputs for this operation., Static text lines have no atoms and no reference to a text block., Security sandbox violation: %1 cannot send HTTP headers to %2., The Shader object contains no byte code to execute., The ShaderJob is already running or finished., Only one download, upload, load or save operation can be active at a time on each FileReference., One or more elements of the content of the TextBlock has a null ElementFormat., The Shader input %1 is too large., The Clipboard.generalClipboard object must be used instead of creating a new Clipboard.
  • The TextLine class does not implement this property or method.   Invalid fieldOfView value. The value must be greater than 0 and less than 180., Scale values must not be zero., The ElementFormat object is locked and cannot be modified., The FontDescription object is locked and cannot be modified., Invalid focalLength %1., Invalid raw matrix. Matrix must be invertible., A Matrix3D can not be assigned to more than one DisplayObject., The attempted load of %1 failed as it had a Content-Disposition of attachment set., Illegal path name.
  • File or directory access denied.   File or directory exists., File or directory does not exist., Insufficient file space., Insufficient system resources., Not a file., Not a directory., Read-only or write-protected media., Cannot move file or directory to a different device., Directory is not empty.
  • Move or copy destination already exists.   Cannot delete file or directory., File or directory is in use., Cannot copy or move a file or directory to overwrite a containing directory., Loader.loadBytes() is not permitted to load content with executable code., A SQLConnection cannot be closed while statements are still executing., Database connection is already open., Name argument specified was invalid. It must not be null or empty a blank string., Operation cannot be performed while there is an open transaction on this connection., A SQLConnection must be open to perform this operation.
  • Operation is only allowed if a connection has an open transaction.   Property cannot be changed while SQLStatement.executing is true., %1 may not be called unless SQLResult.complete is false., Operation is not permitted when the SQLStatement.text property is not set., Operation is not permitted when the SQLStatement.sqlConnection property is not set., Operation cannot be performed while SQLStatement.executing is true., An invalid schema type was specified., An invalid transaction lock type was specified., Reference specified is not of type File., An invalid open mode was specified.
  • SQL Error.   An internal logic error occurred., Access permission denied., Operation aborted., Database file is currently locked., Table is locked., Out of memory., Attempt to write a readonly database., Database disk image is malformed., Insertion failed because database is full.
  • Unable to open the database file.   Database lock protocol error., Database is empty., Disk I/O error occurred., The database schema changed., Too much data for one row of a table., Abort due to constraint violation., Data type mismatch., An internal error occurred., Feature not supported on this operating system.
  • Authorization denied.   Auxiliary database format error., An index specified for a parameter was out of range., File opened is not a database file., The page size specified was not valid for this operation., The requested database configuration is not supported., Unencrypted databases may not be reencrypted., Cannot perform operation on closed window., Adobe Reader cannot be found., Adobe Reader 8.1 or later cannot be found.
  • Default Adobe Reader must be version 8.1 or later.   An error ocurred trying to load Adobe Reader., Only application-sandbox content can access this feature., Caller %1 cannot set LoaderInfo property %2., Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature., Attempt to access invalid clipboard., Attempt to access dead clipboard., Voucher is invalid., User authentication failed., FMRMS is not supporting SSL.
  • Content expired.   User authorization failed (for example, the user has not purchased the content)., Can't connect to the server., Client update required (FMRMS requires new DRM client engine)., Generic internal DRM failure., Wrong license key., FLV content is corrupted., The application ID of the application does not match the one specified in the DRM policy., The version of the application does not match the one specified in the DRM policy., Voucher integrity check failed.
  • Write to Microsafe failed.   FLV header integrity check failed., The current security context does not allow this operation

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC