Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of HHK, HLP, VXD, HTT, VGA, VGD, CAB, CUR, CGZ

File Type:HTML Help Index
File Description:Index of files accessible by Microsoft HTML Help, a Web-based help interface
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft HTML Help Workshop
File Type:Windows Help File
File Description:Contains documentation for the Windows operating system or Windows programs; complied using Microsoft Help Workshop (HCW.exe); can be viewed with the Windows Help Viewer, which is integrated into the Windows operating system.
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft Windows Help Viewer
Microsoft Help Workshop
Help Explorer Viewer
Linux Help Explorer Viewer
File Type:Virtual Device Driver
File Description:Helper file for a specific program; adds additional capabilities and support for the program; typically installed with the Windows operating system and with other software programs.

The Vmm32.vxd file contains several drivers required by Windows 98 and Windows ME; if the Vmm32.vxd file is deleted, moved, or corrupted, certain programs may not open and the computer may not even start up; a backup of this file can usually be retrieved from the Windows installation disc.
Open Programs: Windows Not meant to be opened by the user
File Type:Hypertext Template File
File Description:Hypertext file that is used for defining certain settings in Windows; the file "Folder.htt" contains HTML code that customizes the way folder contents are displayed and includes scripts that access and display information from the FileList control.

The HTT file includes the following information:

  • Style settings
  • FixSize function
  • FormatNumber function
  • Init function
  • SelectionChanged event
  • OnThumbnailReady event
  • Normal Banner DIV
  • Mini-banner DIV
  • Left Info Panel DIV
  • FileList object tag

For more information about the Folder.htt file, view this Microsoft Support article.
Open Programs: Windows Referenced by the Windows operating system
File Type:VGA Display Driver
File Description:Windows driver that supports VGA monitors; allows the user to adjust the resolution and color depth of the display using the Monitors control panel; used in early versions of Windows when VGA monitors were commonly used.
Open Programs: Windows Referenced by the Windows operating system
File Type:Generic CADD VGA Driver
File Description:Driver for a generic Computer-Aided Drafting and Design VGA monitor; used by the Windows operating system to communicate display settings, such as screen resolution and color depth; similar to a .VGA driver file, but only used by special CADD displays.
Open Programs: Windows Used by the system
Not meant to be opened manually
File Type:Windows Cabinet File
File Description:Archive format native to Microsoft Windows that contains compressed data; supports .ZIP, Quantum, and LZX data compression algorithms; used for Windows software installations such as system files, network components, and device drivers.

The Microsoft installers Setup API, Device Installer, and AdvPack often install data from CAB files.

To run msconfig, a program that reads CAB files, select "Run" from the Windows Start menu, type "msconfig," and press Enter.
Open Programs: Mac OS Smith Micro Stuffit Expander
Windows Smith Micro Stuffit Deluxe
Corel WinZip
Add/Remove Software Control Panel
File Type:Windows Cursor
File Description:Cursor image or animation used for the Windows mouse pointer; for example, may be an arrow (for general use), a spinning hourglass (for waiting periods), or an I-bar (for text editing); custom desktop themes (.THEME files) may change the cursor image/animation, such as turning the hourglass into a watch.
Open Programs: Windows Used by the Windows operating system
ACDSee Photo Manager
Corel Paint Shop Pro
File Type:Linux Drivers Archive   (Most common)
File Description:Archive containing software drivers that can be installed in a Red Hat Linux system; often included on a Red Hat Boot Disk; typically saved in the /modules directory and named "modules.cgz."
Open Programs: Linux Referenced by Red Hat Linux
File Type:Help Contents File
File Description:Help file used by Windows; contains topics relevant to a certain Help document; may be created Microsoft Help Workshop, a program for developing help documentation.

NOTE: There is a known security issue with CNT files that allows them to be exploited, causing a stack-based buffer overflow; this can be used to run malicious code; therefore, do not open unknown CNT files.
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft Help Workshop

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC