Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of PRG, PBPROJ, PDM, PCH, PAS, PTL, PY, P, P

File Type:RAPID Program File
File Description:Program written in the RAPID robotics programming language; contains instructions for automated robots to follow; may be created in ABB RobotStudio, a simulation and offline robot programming application; also be referred to as an S4 program.
Open Programs: Windows ABB RobotStudio
View in a text editor
File Type:Project Builder Project
File Description:Software development project created with Project Builder, an integrated development environment (IDE) developed by Apple for Mac OS X; redeveloped by Apple as Xcode
Open Programs: Mac OS Apple Project Builder or Xcode
File Type:VB Project Information File   (Most common)
File Description:Text file containing one or more scripts along with information about the packaging and deployment of a Visual Basic (VB) application; includes all necessary files, installation locations, and the name of the script(s).

When additional deployment packages are created for a project; new package/deployment scripts are written to the beginning of the project's PDM file.
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft Visual Basic
Edit with a text editor
File Type:Precompiled Header
File Description:Contains programming code referenced by a source code file using an #include preprocessor directive; used by Microsoft Visual C++ and other software development programs
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft Visual C++ (not meant to be opened by the user)
File Type:Pascal Source File
File Description:Program file that contains source code written in the Pascal programming language; can be edited with a Pascal development program or a basic text editor.

PAS files can be compiled into executable programs using a Pascal compiler such as Turbo Pascal.
Open Programs: Mac OS FreePascal
Edit with a text editor
Windows Turbo Pascal
Borland Delphi
Edit with a text editor
File Type:Rational Rose Petal File
File Description:ASCII text-based file format exported from Rational Rose, a model-based software development program; consists of nested levels enclosed in parentheses that form a tree of nodes.
Open Programs: Windows IBM Rational Rose development software Linux IBM Rational Rose development software
File Type:Python Script
File Description:Program file or script written in Python, an interpreted object-oriented programming language; can be created and edited with a text editor, but requires a Python interpreter to run; often used for programming Web servers and other administrative computer systems.
Open Programs: Mac OS Run with a Python interpreter
Edit with a text editor Windows Run with a Python interpreter
Edit with a text editor Linux Run with a Python interpreter
Edit with a text editor
File Type:Pascal Source Code   (Most common)
File Description:Program source code written in the Pascal programming language
Open Programs: Mac OS Free Pascal
Think Pascal
GNU Pascal
Windows Free Pascal
Borland Turbo Pascal
Irie Tools Irie Pascal
File Type:Python Pickle File
File Description:Standard Python module (.PY file) converted to a byte representation through a conversion process called "picking;" can convert complex objects into byte streams, which can be written to a file, sent over a network, or stored in a database.
Open Programs: Linux Python pickle module (Pickler and Unpickler)
File Type:PL/I Source Code
File Description:Program written in PL/I (Programming Language One), a language designed primarily for data processing applications; supports recursion and structured programming; designed to be highly-structured, yet is also free-form, having no reserved keywords.

PL/I source files also use the .PLI extension.
Open Programs: Mac OS PL/I for GCC
Windows IBM PL/I for VSE/ESA
PL/I for GCC
Linux PL/I for GCC

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC