Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of GMO, GED, GMK, GORM, GM6, GS3, GLOBAL, GMD, JAV

File Type:GNU Machine Object File
File Description:Contains machine object data specific to a GNU program, such as gettext; may be generated or output by a Unix program and is used for translating program code; similar to a .MO file, but uses the GNU format.
Open Programs: Mac OS GNU gettext Windows GNU gettext Linux GNU gettext
File Type:Game Editor Project File
File Description:Game development project created with Game Editor, a crossplatform game creation program; includes game data and settings; saved along with a game folder that contains the game resources.

Game Editor can be used to develop games for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, and Vista, as well as Pocket PC, Linux, and Windows Mobile-based operating systems.
Open Programs: Windows Game Editor or Game Editor Professional
Linux Game Editor
File Type:Game Maker 7 File
File Description:Game development project created with Game Maker 7; uses the Game Maker Language (GML), which can be automatically generated using drag-and-drop actions, or coded manually by the user.

Game Maker was originally developed by Mark Overmars, but is now distributed by YoYo Games.

Game Maker 6 files use the .GM6 extension.
Open Programs: Windows Game Maker 7 or later
File Type:Gorm Interface Resource File
File Description:Static representation of interface objects and their relationships in a GNUstep application; may be opened and loaded into memory only when needed
Open Programs: Mac OS GNUstep Gorm Windows GNUstep Gorm Linux GNUstep Gorm
File Type:Game Maker 6 Project File
File Description:Computer game created with Game Maker 6, a video game development program; allows games to be created using drag-and-drop actions; may include animated graphics, 3D images, music, and sound effects.

GM6 files can be opened and edited with the Game Maker application; once the game is finished, it can be saved as a standard Windows executable (.EXE) file.
Open Programs: Windows YoYo Games Game Maker
File Type:GameStarter File
File Description:File saved by GameStarter, a program that includes a wizard for building FPS Creator games; includes controller, sound, video, and performance settings, as well as other game information.
Open Programs: Windows FPSC GameStarter
File Type:Global Makefile
File Description:Configuration file that defines the locations of source files used to compile a program; used by PHP, C/C++, and other languages; automates the compilation process and compiles only new or modified files; commonly named ""
Open Programs: Mac OS Referenced by specific program compilers
Edit with a text editor Windows Referenced by specific program compilers
Edit with a text editor Linux Referenced by specific program compilers
Edit with a text editor
File Type:Game Maker Program Code
File Description:Game development file created with Game Maker; allows games to be created using drag-and-drop actions, without writing any programming code
Open Programs: Windows Mark Overmars' Game Maker
File Type:Java Source File
File Description:Contains the source code of a program written in the Java programming language; may be one of many Java source files referenced within a programming project or may contain all the source code in one file.

Java source files usually have a .JAVA extension.
Open Programs: Mac OS Sun Microsystems Java Virtual Machine
Edit with a text editor
Windows Sun Microsystems Java Virtual Machine
Edit with a text editor
Linux Sun Microsystems Java Virtual Machine
Edit with vi

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC