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File extension Details of SC, SCL, SCR, SFC, SLT, SNA, D64, D71, D81
Name: | SC |
File Type: | Sega SC-3000 image file |
Popularity: | 2 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | The SC-3000 is a computer version of Sega's SG-1000 and is both forward and backwards compatible with its games. The system first sold in Japan for 29 800 Yen and was marketed as a programmers/beginners computer. It outsold the SG-1000 because of these capabilities as well as being able to play games.
Users of the computer could develop their own games and programs and some were released in addition to the official games and programs. There was also some third party accessories such as a Speech Synthesis unit and a Light Pen. New Zealand also had a magazine called "Sega Computer - The Official Magazine of the Sega User Club of New Zealand". Sega later made an upgraded version of the SC-3000, called the SC-3000H, with a better keyboard and twice the RAM. This one originally sold for 33 800 Yen in Japan. These systems are quite rare today. |
Open Programs: | MEKA Company / developer: MEKA is a multi-machine emulator for MS-DOS, MS-Windows and maybe GNU/Linux. The following machines are supported by MEKA:
MEKA also include a powerful debugger and various debugging/hacking tools. MEKA is the result of a several years effort from several persons.
If you like the emulator, any form of contribution is greatly welcome and appreciated. Contributions helps the MEKA and SMS Power! projects, which are tied together. Those who contributed by sending cartridges or money gets notified of new versions of the emulator (sometimes before it is released publicly), and get access to that silly (P) link on SMS Power which is always up to date, banner free and speedy. Any money contributed is spent into buying Sega 8-bit products either undumped, or in order to complete the museum I'm working on. I'm far from leaving to Bahamas with billions in a suitcase. Please read MEKA documentation if you are interested in registering. Always keep a life potion in your pocket. |

Name: | SCL |
File Type: | ZX Spectrum emulator disk image |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | File extension is used by ZX Spectrum emulators. Disk image. |
Open Programs: | XZX-Pro Company / developer: XZX-ProXZX-Pro is a portable emulator of ZX Spectrum 48K/128K/+3 (8-bit home computers made by Sir Clive Sinclair) and Spectrum clones, for machines running UNIX and the X Window system. XZX-Pro is completely written in C. It initially was based on XZX 1.0.2 by Des Herriott, but has been completely rewritten since then. Emulates:

Name: | SCR |
File Type: | ZX Spectrum standard screen |
Popularity: | 2 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | File extension used for ZX Spectrum standard screen. .SCR files are memory dumps of the first 6912 bytes of the Spectrum memory. A coordinate (x,y), x between 0 and 255 and y between 0 and 192, (0,0) being the upper left corner of the screen, corresponds to the pixel address. |
Open Programs: | XZX-Pro Company / developer: XZX-ProXZX-Pro is a portable emulator of ZX Spectrum 48K/128K/+3 (8-bit home computers made by Sir Clive Sinclair) and Spectrum clones, for machines running UNIX and the X Window system. XZX-Pro is completely written in C. It initially was based on XZX 1.0.2 by Des Herriott, but has been completely rewritten since then. Emulates:

Name: | SFC |
File Type: | Nintendo SNES9x file |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | File extension is used by SNES9x. Emulator of Super Nintendo Entertainment System game console. |
Open Programs: | Snes9x Company / developer: Snes9x is a great Super Nintendo emulator for which ports are available for many platforms. |

Name: | SLT |
File Type: | ZX Spectrum emulator Super Level Loader snapshot file |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | The level loader trap has one annoying disadvantage; lots of extra files lying around for each game. The super level loader was developed by Damien Burke to replace this multi-file format with a single snapshot file containing all the level data files. It has been designed in co-operation with James McKay (x128), Gerton Lunter (Z80), Rui Ribeiro (WSpecEm) and Darren Salt (helping with Z80Em), and is quite widely supported. |
Open Programs: | XZX-Pro Company / developer: XZX-ProXZX-Pro is a portable emulator of ZX Spectrum 48K/128K/+3 (8-bit home computers made by Sir Clive Sinclair) and Spectrum clones, for machines running UNIX and the X Window system. XZX-Pro is completely written in C. It initially was based on XZX 1.0.2 by Des Herriott, but has been completely rewritten since then. Emulates:

Name: | SNA |
File Type: | ZX80 Spectrum Mirage emulator snapshot |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | File extension is used by some ZX Spectrum emulators for snapshot. |
Open Programs: | XZX-Pro Company / developer: XZX-ProXZX-Pro is a portable emulator of ZX Spectrum 48K/128K/+3 (8-bit home computers made by Sir Clive Sinclair) and Spectrum clones, for machines running UNIX and the X Window system. XZX-Pro is completely written in C. It initially was based on XZX 1.0.2 by Des Herriott, but has been completely rewritten since then. Emulates:

Name: | D64 |
File Type: | Commodore emulator file |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | Very popular Commodore emulator format file of a VC-1541/CBM-2031/3040/4040 diskette Mime type:application/d64 application/octet-stream application/x-d64 |
Open Programs: | Win64 Company / developer: Win64 is a computer program that allows you to run Commodore 64 programs on your Windows95 or NT equipped PC. Relive the golden years of 8bit computing. |

Name: | D71 |
File Type: | Commodore emulator file |
Popularity: | 2 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | Commodore emulator file of a VC-1571 double sided diskette. |
Open Programs: | VICE Company / developer: VICE is a Versatile Computer Emulator, i.e. a program that runs on a Unix, MS-DOS, Win95/NT, OS/2, Acorn RISC OS or BeOS machine and executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C128, the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway), the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610). |

Name: | D81 |
File Type: | Commodore emulator file |
Popularity: | 4 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | Commodore emulator file of a VC-1581 diskette. |
Open Programs: | VICE Company / developer: VICE is a Versatile Computer Emulator, i.e. a program that runs on a Unix, MS-DOS, Win95/NT, OS/2, Acorn RISC OS or BeOS machine and executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C128, the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway), the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610). |

Name: | D82 |
File Type: | Commodore emulator file |
Popularity: | 4 |
Category: | Emulator file |
File Description: | Commodore emulator file of a CBM-8250 diskette. |
Open Programs: | VICE Company / developer: VICE is a Versatile Computer Emulator, i.e. a program that runs on a Unix, MS-DOS, Win95/NT, OS/2, Acorn RISC OS or BeOS machine and executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C128, the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway), the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610). |

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool
**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC