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File extension Details of 4DV, 3DT, 1PE, 1PH, $ER, JPH, JUDE, JEF, YAM
Name: | 4DV |
File Type: | 4D View Ultrasound File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Ultrasound data file generated by a GE Healthcare Voluson ultrasound machine; can be viewed using GE's 4D View software or ViewPoint with the 4D View plug-in. The 4D View software and plug-in allows doctors to optimize, and analyze, and manipulate Volume Ultrasound data. |
Open Programs: | Windows General Electric 4D View |

Name: | 3DT |
File Type: | 3D Topicscape File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Firebird relational database in which the metadata of a 3D Topicscape is held; collection of information organized by a user in a 3D mind map or concept map |
Open Programs: | Windows 3D Topicscape |

Name: | 1PE |
File Type: | TurboTax Form File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Tax forms used by TurboTax tax preparation software |
Open Programs: | Mac OS Intuit TurboTax Windows Intuit TurboTax |

Name: | 1PH |
File Type: | TurboTax File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Tax return prepared by TurboTax tax preparation software |
Open Programs: | Mac OS Intuit TurboTax Windows Intuit TurboTax |

Name: | $ER |
File Type: | GroupWise Database |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Database used by the Novell GroupWise e-mail program |
Open Programs: | Windows Novell GroupWise |

Name: | JPH |
File Type: | JProbe Memory Snapshot |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Snapshot of memory usage generated by JProbe, an enterprise-class Java profiling program; created by JProbe's memory debugger; used for identifying the root cause of a program's performance and stability problems. |
Open Programs: | Windows Quest JProbe |

Name: | JUDE |
File Type: | JUDE Project File |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Project created with JUDE (Java and UML Development Environment); combines UML software development with Mind Map functionality; can convert a Mind Map to a UseCase or a Class Diagram by dragging and dropping objects. |
Open Programs: |
JUDE/Community JUDE/Professional JUDE/Server |

Name: | JEF |
File Type: | Janome Embroidery Format |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Embroidery format used by Janome sewing machines; contains stitching patterns and sewing instructions for creating embroideries; native format used by Janome sewing software, but also recognized by Embrid Suite and Format Foundry. |
Open Programs: |
Janome Customizer and Digitizer Embird Suite Threadsmith Format Foundry |

Name: | YAM |
File Type: | Yahoo! Auctions Data |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Contains auction data for Yahoo! Auctions; includes seller's info, items for sale, and categories that items are listed in |
Open Programs: | Windows Yahoo! Seller's Manager |

Name: | 123 |
File Type: | Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet |
Popularity: | 5 |
Category: | data |
File Description: | Spreadsheet created by Lotus 1-2-3, part of IBM Lotus SmartSuite; organizes data in rows and columns; functions can be applied to the data in various cells, which can automatically populate the data in other cells. Lotus 1-2-3 was first developed by Lotus Development Corporation, which was bought by IBM in 1995; the "1-2-3" refers to the program's three main capabilities: 1) spreadsheet functions, 2) creating charts and graphs, and 3) basic database operations. |
Open Programs: | Windows IBM Lotus 1-2-3 |

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