Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool
**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC
File extension Details of BIZ, BLG, BLT, BLT, WZS, WXP, BOO, BRO, BSB
Name: | BIZ |
File Type: | PrintMaster Gold document file |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File extension is used by PrintMaster Gold. Document file. |
Open Programs: | PrintMaster Company / developer: PrintMasterPrintMaster software from Broderbund makes it fun to produce beautiful projects you'll love to share with your family and friends. Make someone's day with PrintMaster greeting cards deluxe and create a one-of-a-kind greeting that can only come from you! Pick, personalize and print greeting cards and other great projects for every occasion using PrintMaster greeting card software. |

Name: | BLG |
File Type: | MicroSim PCBoard backward ECO log file |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | Probably old file extension or not supported application. |
Open Programs: | OrCAD PCB Designer Company / developer: Cadence® OrCAD® PCB Designer contains a fully integrated design flow that includes a constraint manager, design capture technology, component tools, a PCB editor, an auto/interactive router, and interfaces for manufacturing and mechanical CAD. At the heart of OrCAD PCB Designer is OrCAD PCB Editor, an interactive environment for creating and editing simple to complex multi-layer PCBs. The extensive feature set addresses a wide range of design and manufacturability challenges. OrCAD PCB Designer and OrCAD PCB Designer with PSpice both include Cadence SPECCTRA® for OrCAD, the market-leading PCB solution for automatic and interactive interconnect routing. Designed to handle routing challenges requiring complex design rules, it uses powerful shape-based algorithms for speed and efficient use of the routing area. Optional PSpice® circuit analysis and simulation capabilities integrated with the included OrCAD Capture facilitates rapid design-and-simulate cycles, allowing engineers to explore various design configurations before committing to a specific circuit implementation. A common database architecture, use model, and library offer truly scalable PCB solutions for both OrCAD and Allegro products, allowing engineers the ability to migrate to the Allegro PCB technologies as their designs and design challenges increase in complexity. |

Name: | BLT |
File Type: | AIM AOL Instant Messenger saved buddy list |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File contains saved contact, users information from AIM AOL Instant Messenger buddy (contact) list. |
Open Programs: | AOL Messenger (AIM) Company / developer: AIM - AOL Instant MessengerYou don't have to be an America Online member to experience the immediate cross-Internet communication made possible by AOL Instant Messenger. This program allows Internet users to communicate via private, personalized text messages, and indicates when friends, family members, and business colleagues are online. AOL Instant Messenger combines AOL's Buddy List and Instant Message features, enabling users to send and respond to messages immediately. Other features include a user directory and buddy chat capabilities, personalized news, and a Neighborhood Watch feature so you can disconnect when crank chatters contact you. You also can send personalized greetings from your Buddy List, forward a copy of your Buddy List to a friend, and add your own comments to an entry on your Buddy List. You can also create and share digital photo albums with your friends. |

Name: | BLT |
File Type: | WordPerfect for DOS file |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File extension used by Corel WordPerfect. Probably old file extension type used by DOS version. |
Open Programs: | WordPerfect Company / developer: Corel WordPerfectCorel WordPerfect is your one-stop office suite. Ideal for large organizations and governments as well as business and consumer users with the need for dependable word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and email solutions. Trusted by millions, priced significantly less than Microsoft Office, it's the office suite that makes perfect sense. |

Name: | WZS |
File Type: | Microsoft Word wizard file |
Popularity: | 2 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File extension used by Microsoft Word or Publisher.
Mime: application/msword |
Open Programs: | Microsoft Office Company / developer: Microsoft OfficeTo make it easy to get the features and capabilities that will help your organization meet its challenges, Microsoft offers a variety of Office suites to address a diverse range of needs. Whether you are a home user or work for a multinational corporation, the 2007 Microsoft Office system has a suite to help you and your organization work more effectively. |

Name: | WXP |
File Type: | EXP Windows document |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File extension is used by EXP Windows. Document file. |
Open Programs: | EXP Company / developer: EXP: The Scientific Word Processor is a complete WYSIWYG word processor designed for the creation of documents containing mathematics and other scientific notation. EXP can print documents itself, or it can convert documents to LaTeX for subsequent processing by LaTeX. EXP integrates the process of typing mathematics with the process of typing text. With EXP, you do not have to switch back and forth between the word processor and an add-on equation editor as you do with other word processors. Because EXP was designed from the ground up to be a scientific word processor, it's fast, efficient, and produces beautiful results. |

Name: | BOO |
File Type: | IBM BookManager book |
Popularity: | 3 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File extension is used by IBM BookManager. File contains book. Mime: application/book |
Open Programs: | BookManager Company / developer: BookManagerBuild your organization's documents into electronic books with IBM BookManager, and serve them to your readers through the web, or on a mainframe or workstation. |

Name: | BRO |
File Type: | CreataCard booklet/brochure project |
Popularity: | 4 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File extension is used by CreataCard. File contains booklet or brochure. |
Open Programs: | CreataCard Company / developer: |

Name: | BSB |
File Type: | MapInfo sea chart |
Popularity: | 4 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File extension is used by MapInfo. Sea chart. |
Open Programs: | MapInfo Company / developer: MapInfoMapInfo Professional is a powerful Microsoft Windows-based mapping application that enables business analysts and GIS professionals to easily visualize the relationships between data and geography. With MapInfo Professional, you can perform sophisticated and detailed data analysis by leveraging the power of location. Including location in your decision making and daily operations can help you increase revenue, lower costs, boost efficiency and improve services. MapInfo Professional, the industry's leading business mapping solution, lets you perform sophisticated and detailed data analysis to drive insightful decisions. Use MapInfo Professional to: Visualize.

Name: | WSB |
File Type: | Microsoft Works portfolio file |
Popularity: | 4 |
Category: | Document file |
File Description: | File extension is used by Microsoft Works. Portfolio file. Used in version 6. |
Open Programs: | Microsoft Works Company / developer:

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool
**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC