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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of ASMX, ASHX, ASP, ASPX, ATOM, ASCX, ADR, ASR, LASSO

File Type:Active Server Method File
File Description:Defines Web services called by an Active Server Page (.ASP file); automatically compiled by ASP.NET when a request to the service is made; can be accessed over the Internet or from a local network.

ASMX files begin with the ASP.NET directive "WebService," followed by the "Language" parameter; this is used to set the programming language to Visual Basic, C#, or JScript; they can be run using a Windows-based Web server with the .NET framework.
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft Visual Web Developer
Microsoft ASP.NET
File Type:ASP.NET Web Handler File
File Description:Web page that is processed by the ASP.NET HTTP Handler when a user accesses the page; typically references another page, which produces the code that is sent to the user's browser.

Most ASHX pages contain a small amount of code, even as short as a single line; functions within the page are commonly written in the C# programming language.
Open Programs: Mac OS View in a Web browser
Windows Microsoft Visual Web Developer
View in a Web browser
Edit with a text editor
File Type:Active Server Page
File Description:Server-generated Web page based on ActiveX scripting; ASP code is processed on the Web server and the resulting HTML code is sent to the user's Web browser.

Used by Web pages with URLs ending in ".asp."
Open Programs: Mac OS Any Web browser (the ASP code is parsed by the Web server) Windows Any Web browser (the ASP code is parsed by the Web server)
File Type:Active Server Page Extended
File Description:Server-generated Web page based on ActiveX scripting that uses the Microsoft ASP.NET framework; ASP code is first processed on the Web server and the resulting HTML code is sent to the user's Web browser.

Used by Web pages with URLs ending in ".aspx."
Open Programs: Mac OS Any Web browser (ASP code is parsed by the Web server) Windows Any Web browser (ASP code is parsed by the Web server)
File Type:Atom Syndication Format
File Description:XML-based syndication format, similar to .RSS files; designed to be a universal publishing standard for personal content and weblogs
Open Programs: Mac OS Apple Safari
Ranchero NetNewsWire
other RSS reader
Windows NewzCrawler
other RSS reader
File Type:Active Server Custom Control
File Description:Web page that can be used as a component by other Web pages; for example, a navigation bar called "navbar.ascx" might be referenced by all pages within a ASP-driven website; a single change to the navbar.ascx file will change the navigation bar in all the other pages.
Open Programs: Windows Microsoft ASP.NET
File Type:Opera Bookmarks File
File Description:List of bookmarks created by the Opera Web browser
Open Programs: Mac OS Opera Web browser Windows Opera Web browser
File Type:ActionScript Remote Document
File Description:Server-side ActionScript file created with Adobe Dreamweaver or Contribute; uses the same language and syntax as a standard ActionScript (.AS) file, but can access access built-in server-based features in ColdFusion; the "Default.asr" file installed with Dreamweaver and Contribute is located in the NewDocuments folder.

NOTE: ASR files may also appear as "Adobe Photoshop scratch files;" this is a file that Photoshop uses to temporarily save data while the program is running.
Open Programs: Mac OS Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Contribute Windows Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Contribute
File Type:Lasso Database-Driven Web Page
File Description:Dynamic Web page that may include Lasso (LDML) code; can access database information using Lasso commands; may be integrated into websites created with Dreamweaver or GoLive, or built from scratch using Lasso Professional.

Lasso is commonly used to publish FileMaker Pro (.FP5, .FP7, etc.) databases, but can be used with Access, 4D, Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server databases as well.
Open Programs: Mac OS LassoSoft Lasso Professional or Lasso Studio
View in a Web browser Windows LassoSoft Lasso Professional or Lasso Studio
View in a Web browser
File Type:Internet Query
File Description:Contains a URL and other parameters for making a query over the Internet; allows information to be retrieved from an .ASP Web page and imported into Microsoft Excel; saved in the \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Queries directory by default.

IQY files also called Web Query files.
Open Programs: Mac OS Microsoft Excel
Edit with a text editor Windows Microsoft Excel
Edit with a text editor

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC