How to Fix Mshtml.dll Error?


Mshtml.dll is a library file related to Internet Explorer. If it is missing or corrupted, the browser will not be able to display websites. There will be an error message indicating that the mshtml.dll is missing or the browser can not load the dll. To solve this issue, there are several methods:


First, install the latest windows update from Microsoft.

Sometimes, the problem may be caused by an imperfect version of windows or internet explorer. In such case, check from the windows update centre. The patch may already be released. To install the lastest windows update:

  1. Click start button, control panel
  2. Click windows update centre
  3. Click “check for latest updates”.


Second, uninstall and resintall Internet Explorer, or upgrade IE to a latest version.

If you already have the latest version of IE, you may need to uninstall and reinstall it to solve the issue. To uninstall and reinstall IE, follow this instruction. If you have IE 6 or IE 7, it is recommended that you upgrade your IE to later version, such as IE 8 or IE 9. To download the latest IE version, please visit Microsoft download centre.


Third, Try a system restore to solve the problem.

Sometimes, dll error can be caused by virus or malware which corrupted the dlls while being removed from the system. In such case, restore the dlls back to system will solve the problem. Normally, to do a system restore is the quickest way to get back the dll. To do a system restore, just go to Start button-all programmes-accessories-system tools-system restore. Choose a restore point previous to the problem, follow the instruction to complete the system restore.


Last, download a registry cleaner to clean the registry errors.

Virus and malware can corrupt the registry and cause numerous problems in your computer, including the dll errors. It is urgent to have a registry cleaner to detect and clean these registry issues for you. Any delay will lead to unimaginable more serious issues. Remember, 90% of the computer problems are caused by registry issues. So it is always recommended that you install a registry cleaner to consistantly protect your system.