How to Repair a Hal.dll Error


Hal.dll, short for  Microsoft Windows Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL, is an important system dll that enforces a number of functions that are implemented in different ways by different hardware platforms. Without this dll, hardware cannot perform correctly with the drivers installed, resulting in serious hardware issues.


The symptom of hal.dll error can be shown as  hardware corruption or driver corruption. Particular hardware, such as chipset, DVD rom or audio card may not function correctly. The cause of hal.dll error is not clear yet. Sometimes, virus attack, imcompatible driver or system error may all cause hal.dll error to occur on computer.


Since hal.dll is such an important system file in Windows system, we cannot just leave the error as it is. We will need to get the dll back to make everything work normally. To repair hal.dll, there are two ways:


First, run your antivirus software’s virus scan on your system.

This is generally accomplished by opening the antivirus program and clicking a “Scan Now” or “Start Scan” button on the main screen. The virus scan finds and eliminates files that are affiliated with viruses that are on your system. If you do not have an antivirus software installed on your system, this is probably part of the issue and you should install one for continuous antivirus protection.


Second, search for hal.dll in your computer.

When the operating system is loaded into your computer, they may create a backup copy of the system files in another folder. The hal.dll may be in another location in the system. Open windows explorer, on left side, enter hal.dll in the search box, press enter to start search. After you find the dll, copy it and paste it in C:\windows\system32 folder.


Third, run a scan and fix the error automatically.

If the error is due to windows system errors, the case is more complicated. Because you will not know what part of the system is having the error and how to fix it. In such situation, it is better to consult computer professionals or get an advanced system fixer to help you. You can fix hal.dll error by refering to the tutorial and tools on the link in this page.