How to Fix Error code 18

Error code 18 is a typical error shown in Windows XP. It is caused by device drivers either not being installed or being installed incorrectly. Error code 18 is very common with a huge number of different computers, and is shown at random times whenever you use your PC. Fortunately, it’s very easy to fix this problem.

Error code 18 normally displays in these situations.

This error basically means that you have a problem with the device drivers on your PC. The drivers of your computer are used to connect hardware components of Windows with the software of your system. Essentially, a Windows computer which gives this error always has driver installation problems, driver update problems or is unable to use various hardware components on your system.

To fix this error, you need to update the drivers for your hardware. To do this, click onto “Control Panel” and then locate “Device Manager”. This will then display a large list of all the hardware on your computer, and will indicate if it has drivers installed by showing a small yellow alert next to any hardware that has driver problems. The first thing to do to fix this problem is to make sure all the drivers that your computer needs are working normally. You can try Drivertuner, it is a good driver finder which can update your drivers automatically. You can download it here:


It’s also recommended that you clean out the junk files in your “registry” of your PC as well. The registry is a big database inside the Windows system, which stores a huge number of important settings for your computer system. It keeps everything from your desktop wallpaper to your most recent websites, and all the drivers for your hardware as well. Unfortunately, many registry files can become damaged, leading your PC to display errors such as Error Code 18. To fix this, you should use a registry cleaner to clean out any potential errors on your system.

You can run Smartpcfixer to fix it automatically.

Smartpcfixer is a top-ranking error-resolution registry cleaner which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system settings. You can scan, clean, optimize, and keep your PC much healthier with it!


You can download Smartpcfixer here.

Just run Smartpcfixer, click ‘quick scan’

After the scan is completed, click ‘repair all’ button.