How to Fix “No Audio Output Device is Installed” Error



Your computer may encounter a “no sound” problem, such as there is no sound when the computer is started up, or the small speakers of the task bar disappeared itself.

The computer “no sound” issue is not a simple problem at all. In fact, it can be caused by hardware errors or software errors. A suddenly crash can damage the sound card and it will not give any sound.

Method A:

You can use Smartpcfixer to fix this error.

SmartPCFixer™ is a top-ranking error-resolution registry cleaner which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system settings. You can scan, clean, optimize, and keep your PC much healthier with it !

If you are interested in this “auto-fixer”, you can visit the following pages

You can resolve your problem in only three clicks.

Method B:

If you want to fix it by yourself, you can have a look at the tips, it is a little complicated.

  1. You can check if your sound card, cables, speakers and other equipment are connected properly. If there is a virus, you should run an anti-virus software to do a complete scan.
  2. Open the “control panel”- “add new hardware”- “next”. When the search is finished, click on “No, I have not yet added this hardware” and click “next”. In the dialog box that popped up, select the “click complete shut down my computer and restart to add new hardware”. Please note that it is shutdown after the start, rather than a restart. In general, after rebooting the problem can be solved.
  3. Right-click ” My Computer ” – ” Properties ” – ” hardware ” “Device Manager”, open the “Sound, video and game controllers”. If you found a yellow “?”, you should uninstall the driver and reinstall an updated driver for this device.
  4. If there is sound on your computer but you cannot see the small speakers. To open the “control panel” – “sound and video equipment” – “volume” and tick the “place volume icon in the taskbar”. After the rebooting you will find the small speaker appears again.
  5. If you failed to fix this problem by following these methods, you have to reinstall the operation system. Under the precondition of no hardware errors and there is no conflict between softwares.

How to Fix a urlmon.dll Missing Error

About DLL


DLL, short for Dynamic-link library, is Microsoft’s implementation of the shared library concept in the Microsoft Windows. These libraries usually have the file extension DLLOCX (for libraries containing ActiveX controls), or DRV (for legacy system drivers).


DLL is a kind of well compiled code. There is not big difference between DLL and other general procedures except that DLL cannot run independently. They need to be called by a procedure. The difference between DLL code and other programs is just a different interface and start-up mode.  If you change its code entry, a DLL will be transferred into a separate program. Actually, there is no program logic in DLL files,. Here I am not saying a DLL is the same as an EXE. You can regard DLL as an EXE without the main entrance of EXE. The functions of DLL can be seen as several function modules of a program. To add some special code to a code with the function of the Trojan, you will get a DLL Trojan. This is what is called DLL Trojans.



Since DLLs are very essential, the choice of which to produce as part of the linking process is for clarity. It is not possible to execute a DLL directly, since it requires an EXE for the operating system to load it through an entry point, hence the existence of utilities like RUNDLL.EXE or RUNDLL32.EXE which provide the entry point and minimal framework for DLLs that contain enough functionality to execute without much support.



DLL missing can cause many problems


If you lose a DLL, these errors may keep your computer from working well.


  • 1. You can’t open an online game
  • 2. There is no sound on your computer
  • 3. Blue screen
  • 4. The desktop cannot be displayed
  • 5. The home page is modified to site classification navigation
  • 6. Desktop icons cannot be deleted (games, movies, and so on, you have no means to delete them even though you reboot)



How to fix a urlmon.dll missing issue

SmartPCFixer™ is a top-ranking error-resolution registry cleaner which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system settings. You can scan, clean, optimize, and keep your PC much healthier with it ! It is an “auto-fixer” which can fix many problems automatically including a DLL missing error. If you are interested in this “auto-fixer”, you can download here.


Step A:




Step B:


You can use Smartpcfixer to register the dll


How to re-register dll by Smartpcfixer:



How to Fix a Java Script Error

Java Script is an ESMC Script language that is implemented in many web browsers as well as on many websites. This script was designed to allow users to view an enhanced interface with dynamic websites and allows users to view certain types of files that could not have otherwise been seen.

As an internet user, everyone of us has encountered a JavaScript error or two. When these errors occur, you are alerted with a pop up message which will give you details of the problem and stop the loading of the page you want.


Smartpcfixer can fix a java script error:


Registry cleaner is a kind of software which is good at keeping your computer free of junk files and registry errors. Smartpcfixer is an excellent registry cleaner and it could fix your windows corrupted files automatically without destroying your windows system. Please try these simple instructions to fix your problem by Registry cleaner.

    • Download and install registry cleaner . 
    • Run the registry cleaner on your system.
    • It can repair your windows and at the same time discover and delete any remaining files that have been left behind in the system’s registry by the antivirus software.


If you are interested in this “auto-fixer”. You can get it here: 

I promise that you can remove the java script errors easily. 


You can fix it by yourself:



Follow the detailed instructions listed below by yourself if you want to fix the problem on yourself. To tell the truth, it is a little complicated.

Clear cache of your internet explorer:


  • 1. Open up your Internet browser and clear out the cookies and cache files.
  • If you use FireFox : click on “Tools” and then “Clear Private Data”
  • If you use Internet Explorer: Click on “Tools” and “Temporary Internet Files”
  • If you use Safari: click on “Safari,” select “Preferences” and then “Internet Cookies”
  • 2. Turn off your Proxy Server if you are connected to one. A proxy server is a system that goes between the clients and the user. If you are not using it, you can leave this step out.
  • 3. Download a different browser. This will correct the issue most of the time, especially if the other two steps have not corrected it yet.
  • 4. Launch the new browser and try to connect back to the desired website. It should load without any issues


How to Fix Dll Errors in Microsoft Products

Dll errors can occur on every program in the windows system including the windows equiped software and the later installed applications because dlls are important system files that control and decide how everything on the system works with each other. The most common dll errors occur on Microsoft products which are so frequently used by many computer users.


These errors including:

  • Specific dynamic link library file  is not found in the location, and the consequence is not being able to open the Microsoft programs.
  • Certain dynamic link library file is corrupted or not register, and the result is not being able to use some functions in the program.


No matter what the symptoms are and what the consequence, dll errors are things you should not just neglect without putting an end to them. They can cause serious harm to the system if they continue to remain in the computer.


To fix dll errors, it is a procedure of replacing and activating. Taking out the corrupted dll and replacing with a correct one; making up the missing file and activating it.

If the error only occurs when you try to use microsoft application, congratulations, it is a minor issue. You can simply search online and find the dll, download and replace it in the system. After that, run the regsvr32 tool that is equiped in system to fix the issue. Or simply reinstall the microsoft products to end the issue.

 If the error appears right after you boot your computer and the error message states information about Microsoft programs, then it is a system error. You cannot just cure it by just the same procedure. Because system error is more dangerous; you may cause more problems during the repair. Besides that, such system dll errors may restrict you from using repair functions.

If the error is due to windows system errors, the case is more complicated. Because you will not know what part of the system is having the error and how to fix it. In such situation, it is better to consult computer professionals or get an advanced system fixer to help you. You can fix the microsoft dll errors by refering to the tutorial and tools on the link in this page.




How to Fix Unknown Script Errors in IE


The Internet Explorer (IE) is composed of different scripts which are small programs that decide how the webpages display and work. Sometimes, we may receive unknown script error that causes the IE to work in chaos or even not function. The internet explorer will ask if you want to continue running the scripts or just stop running them? No matter which option you choose, the issue is still there.


However, we should not be hopeless when such error occurs. When there is a problem, there is a solution. The script errors in IE can be cured by applying some simple solutions:


First, repair Internet Explorer by applying the fix in Windows:

  • Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  • Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
  • In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, click Microsoft Internet Explorer, and then click Change/Remove.
  • In the Internet Explorer and Internet Tools dialog box, click Repair Internet Explorer, and then click OK.


Second, disable the IE debugging function:

  • Open and run your Internet Explorer   browser by clicking on its desktop icon.
  • Click the “Tools” option, which is located on the top menu bar. Click “Internet Options” in the drop-down menu.
  • Select the “Advanced” tab in the “Internet Options” dialog box.
  • Browse the “Settings” list. Remove the check from the option box entitled, “Disable Script Debugging.” Also, remove the check from the option box entitled, “Display a notification about every script error.”
  • Click “Apply,” located at the bottom of the dialog box.
  • Click “OK” and close the “Internet Options” dialog box.


Third, easiest and quikest way to resolve script error in IE.

  • Download and install a script error fixer.
  • Run the  script error fixer on your system. It is generally started by clicking one button on the main page
  • It will correct the script mistake and reset the settings of Internet Explorer to bring everything back to the original track.




How to Fix the Ran Online Script Error


“Ran online script error”, also called script error in IE, is a typical programming error in IE that may result in termination or corruption of a webpage. Script is a small programme written for a command interpreter or a scripting language. If a script error occurs, the webpage will have problem in display.


To resolve this problem, use the following steps.

First, repair Internet Explorer using windows equiped method.

  • Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  • Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
  • In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, click Microsoft Internet Explorer, and then click Change/Remove.
  • In the Internet Explorer and Internet Tools dialog box, click Repair Internet Explorer, and then click OK.


Second, Install latest windows update.

  1. Install any updates that may be available for your Windows system. To find and install available updates, open the “Start” menu, click “All Programs” and select “Windows Update” from the menu. Click “Yes” to confirm the action if prompted.
  2. Select the “Check for updates” option in the left pane of the “Windows Update” window. Click “View available updates” and “Driver updates” for all of the devices that are installed on your computer. Updates will appear in list form.
  3. Click each driver update that you want to install on your Windows system and press the “Install” button. If prompted to confirm the action or enter the administrator password, do so and click “OK.” The updates to your device drivers are now installed on your system.


Above is the solution offered by Microsoft. But some users have found it unable to solve the issue. Online script error is related to IE programming which is hard to be fixed by manual way. To fix script error, there is an automatic way. Experts suggest users download and install a script error fixer to quickly settle the issue. Now click to learn how to fix Ran Online Script Error automatically.


How to Clean Up a Computer to Make It Faster

A fast computer system can bring a lot of joy for the users. Imagine that if you take several minutes to try to open a word or excel file, how frustrating it would be!! No wonder the Microsoft company has been devoting greatest effort in improving the windows system speed, a slow system can sometimes kill a person’s patience and tear his hair out.


Why a computer is getting slow over time is concerned a lot nowadays. And the answer lies in many aspects. Normally, we blame the numerous junk files and evidence files for a sluggish computer. But these files are not the only one to be accused. Registry errors caused by virus should be also taken into consideration.


How to clean up a computer to make it faster has been a great topic to discuss for computer users. Since we have known the causes of a slow system, we will fix them one by one to bring the eaten speed back.


First, do a disk defragment to speed up space for system running.

  • 1. Click “Start” button, go to  “Accessories”and click the “System Tools”.
  • 2. On the Tools window, click the “Defragment” button. You will now be prompted with another window that shows your hard drives.
  • 3. Select the drive you want to defrag and then click Analyze to make sure that the drive you selected needs defragmentation.


Second, clean the evidence file and junk files.

The manual way to clean these files is to look for the temp file folder in windows explorer and deleted the files in it. You will also have to go to internet explorer and clean the cache and history in it. However, by these two methods you cannot really clean the system thoroughly because there are still some evidence and junk files in different program folders.

The easiest way to clean them is to download an automatic cleaner and get it scan the system for these files and delete them automatically.


Third, fix the registry errors caused by virus.

As we mention above, a slow system may be caused by registry errors. To settle this issue, we will need to fix registry problem. But you cannot do this by yourself; you will need to use a registry fixer. Download and install the fixer, it will quickly scan your registry and fix the damage for you. After the fix, you will find your computer system running like a WOW.



How to Repair a Missing NTLDR for Windows XP


Most of us have so much fear that virus may cause great harm to computer, so when we look for a virus cleaner, we tend to use the one that is powerful in removing the virus. However, some antivirus software tend to remove the infected file as well as the virus in order to keep the system clean. This is wrong.


When you use virus removing tool to clean your XP system, you may mistakenly remove the system file NTLDR and start to get below error:

NTLDR is missing,Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart.


NTLDR file is an important file that takes part in the XP system boot up. When it is taken out from the pc, the computer cannot turn on because the file is missing. It will suggest you restart the pc but it hardly works.


The solution for this error is a fress reinstallation of XP system or a simple repair. The procedure is as below:

1. Enter Windows XP Recovery CD or a Windows Xp install CD.

2. After that, open the command window by click start button, then run box, type CMD in the run box.

3. Enter below command: 

copy F:\i386\ntldr c:\

copy F:\i386\ c:\

4. F refers to the drive of your CD or DVD rom that the XP CD is currently in.

5. If you’re prompted to overwrite either of the two files, press Y.

6. Take out the Windows XP CD, type exit and then press Enter to restart your PC.


Experts recommend downloading a Registry Repair tool on fresh install. Registry repair tool would prevent your computer not only from serious system errors like NTLDR file missing error but advanced Registry Cleaners also offer PC optimization feature that enables you to improve your system performance.






How to Optimize a Slow Running Computer

Usually, a computer runs best when the system is just installed and the devices are still new. As time passed, the machine components get old and the system has stored piles of evidence and junk files which will drag the pc into a sluggish performance. When a computer is running slowly to an extent that you cannot stand, you should be aware that a thorough cleanning is needed urgently.


So how to optimize a slow running computer?

We should first know what can cause the pc to run slowly? There are several key words here: virus, evidence files, junk files, registry errors, etc.


Virus is by far the most dangerous and harmful issue that a computer encounters. Virus can steal information from pc, install numerous adware automatically on your pc. These action will all result in a slow system.


Evidence files are the data and files left in the system when users use the computer to connect internet and get information they need. The browser will save the cache files and other data in the hard drive and occupy more and more space. If the system drive is taken up too much space, the slow issue will occur.


Junk files are the files that are left in the system when certain programs or software are deleted from the pc. These files are no longer used by the system, so they are called junk files. The system will still try to read them but cannot hook them with any existing application, causing the slow problem.


Finally, registry errors. Registry errors are one of the major sources for a slow running computer. This is why computer experts always recommended that users regularly scan and clean their registry with the help of a professional registry cleaner. It will improve computer speed within a minute. This advanced registry cleaner will also clean junk files and evidence files for you.





How to Fix Registry Problems in Windows XP


Many computer users, if they have never learned computer theories, may have no idea what registry is. They may know that registry is a part of the windows XP system that they should never touch, but they actually don’t know why they shouldn’t.


Well, registry is actually a database in XP system that stores the configuration and setting information. When a program or driver are installed in the system, these information will be sent to registry and stored there. So when the program or device is opened, the system will read the registry and decide how they work.


What are registry problems in Windows XP? Registry is easily corrupted or changed when being attacked by virus or malware. Sometimes, a program not properly installed will also result in registry errors. The symptoms are either popped up windows or unstable system.


How can one fix registry problems? There is no manual way to fix registry if you are not a professional in computer. Editing registry is very risky and dangerous. If you don’t know enough about registry, you may delete or edit the wrong items which is related to system running and cause the system to crash or even unrepairable.


When a registry issue occurs, the first thing you have to do is to do a system restore. System restore is actually a useful tool that is equiped in Windows XP to rescue the system when the registry errors occur. It is easy to use but however quite effective in fixing errors:


  1. Click Start , all programmes, accessories
  2. Find System tools, click system restore, and then click Continue.
  3. In the System Restore dialog box, click to select the Recommended restore check box, click Next, and then click Finish.


More professionals will recommend users download and install a registry cleaner. It will help protect computer from registry errors. The registry fixer will detect and diagnose it and offer solution for you. It is very convenient and easy for computer beginners to use and solve the error. Get the best registery fixer, and solve the error immediately.